Yan Breuleux has created a stunning short film using the Trapcode Suite of plug-ins primarily Trapcode Particular and Mir. What’s particularly impressive about this piece is the fact that Yan also composed the music and the sound design with the help of Cellist Soizic Lebrat, this gives the visuals a fluidity and cohesiveness that isn’t often seen.
I really enjoyed Yan’s use of Trapcode Particular towards the end of the film. He creates a hurricane like cloud with the plug-in, which is both eery and mesmerising.
Yan is a designer and teacher at École des arts numériques, de l’animation et du design (NAD) in Montréal, Canada. His work has been exhibited at major festivals around the world. His projects have also been shown at the Musée du Québec, Musée de Rimouski and the New Museum of Contemporary Art of New York. Check out his work here.