Element 3D Death Star Tutorial

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Star Wars Element 3D Tutorial

The prolific team over at Film Riot have created a short tutorial on how to composite the Death Star and an X-Wing from Star Wars into a shot. Skip forward to 1:07 of the video to see what you will be creating.

The Death Star was created from a 2D photo that was color matched and then composited into the 3D tracked footage using a luma matte and 3 feathered masks to create depth.

The X-Wing was added using Element 3D and Video Copilot’s free Star Pack. If you haven’t had chance yet, get over to Video Copilot and download this free Element 3D Star Wars model pack.

The pack has several high quality models with detailed 4K textures:-
Tie Fighter
Imperial Corridor Pieces
Luke Saber
Obi-Wan Saber
Darth Vader Saber
Tatooine Moisture Vaporator