Save 33% with Red Giant PluralEyes 4 Discounts*

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  • PluralEyes analyzes the audio from your cameras and audio devices and syncs them up, in seconds.
  • PluralEyes exports your synced timeline directly to the most popular NLEs.
  • *Save 33% when you buy PluralEyes as part of the Shooter Suite.

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Red Giant PluralEyes 4 Upgrade Here


Red Giant PluralEyes 4 has been released and is available for Windows and Sony Vegas Pro as well as Mac. It also has some awesome new features.

PluralEyes has been designed to ensure that you have a much shorter workflow whilst instinctively synchronizing audio with multiple camera video in seconds.

The timeline also enables you to watch the sync in realtime and then export it straight into Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, Media Composer and Vegas Pro.

PluralEyes features include:

  • Works on Windows
  • Works with Vegas Pro
  • Automates Audio & Video Synchronization in Seconds
  • Export to the NLEs you need
  • Timeline with visual feedback
  • ‘test & tweak’ tools Two-Up View & Synchronize Pair of Clips
  • Includes DualEyes functionality
  • Works with your favorite cameras

Download a trial version Of PluralEyes.

Red Giant Pluraleyes

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