Boris Continuum Complete Upgrade.
- Final Cut Pro X Templates.
- Final Cut Pro X Transitions.
- Extrusions for Final Cut Pro X.
Boris Continuum Complete for After Effects and Premiere Pro Upgrade.
Upgrading to Boris Continuum Complete FxPlug opens your world to a host of amazing new features including the awesome new Final Cut Pro X Templates which enable you create amazing visual effects with the simple to use Particles, Lights, Glows and Tilt-Shift effects.
Boris Continuum enable FCP X users to easily create objects using shapes and text thanks to the powerful extrusion filters. The Type-on Text allows you to produce animated text type-ons which can zoom in from the background, towards the camera and even slide in from the right, left, top and bottom either as a full word or by individual letters.
Boris Continuum FxPlug Feature Highlights:
- Built-in Motion Tracking for Final Cut Pro X
- Built-In Masking System for Final Cut Pro X
- Lens Blur Effects for Final Cut Pro X
- Versatile, High-Quality Glow Effects
- All-New Final Cut Pro X Transitions
- Extrusions for Final Cut Pro X
- New Final Cut Pro X Templates
- Beat Reactor Technology
- Particle Emitter 3D
- Organic Strands
- Flicker Fixer
- Lens Flare 3D
- Stage Light
- Wild Cards